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Institut für Europäische Politik

Research, forum, training. Analysing topics of European politics and integration and bringing them to practical implementation. Our mission since 1959. The IEP is a non-profit organisation and one of the leading foreign and European policy research institutions in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Job advertisements

Student assistance in the "InvigoratEU" project from 1 September 2024

IEP is looking to hire a student assistant starting (the latest) on 01 September 2024 to support the project “InvigoratEU: Invigorating Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy for a Resilient Europe” with an average working time of 12 hours/week. Application deadline is July 31, 2024.

Student assistant for Ukraine projects starting 16 September

We are looking for a student assistant with an average weekly working time of 12-15 h/week to work on various projects on Ukraine from 16 September 2024. Application deadline is 25 July 2024.


July 2024
Background Paper: Growing resilient together
As the EU faces new geopolitical challenges, InvigoratEU’s latest publication explores how modernisation and geopolitical strategies can be combined to strengthen Europe’s resilience and provide new drive for EU enlargement.
5th German-Ukrainian Breakfast Debate
What is the German position on Ukraine's NATO membership and what will defence cooperation with Ukraine look like in the future? These and other questions were discussed at the Breakfast Debate on 5 July 2024 in Kyiv.
June 2024
European elections: IEP colleagues in the media
EU Election Monitor
In the run-up to and aftermath of the European elections, IEP employees gave interviews and shared their expertise. Here is an overview.
NEXT4EU Exchange Visit in Berlin
Shortly after the elections to the European Parliament, representatives of Moldovan civil society visited Berlin for a networking visit and an exchange on Moldova's EU integration.
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