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UA Infosheets

Pexels: Tymur Khakimov; Unsplash: Claudio Schwarz; Pexels: Pixabay; Unsplash: Silver Ringvee; Pexels: Element 5 Digital; Pexels: Sora Shimazaki; Unsplash: Engin Akyurt; Unsplash: Artur Voznenko
Pexels: Tymur Khakimov; Unsplash: Claudio Schwarz; Pexels: Pixabay; Unsplash: Silver Ringvee; Pexels: Element 5 Digital; Pexels: Sora Shimazaki; Unsplash: Engin Akyurt; Unsplash: Artur Voznenko

Understanding the complexity of German-Ukrainian relations and key developments in Ukraine - the concise Infosheets are bridging perspectives from both countries and contribute to mutual understanding and knowledge transfer.

Each Infosheet delves into a specific aspect of the multifaceted relationship between Germany and Ukraine, providing insightful analysis, key statistics, and historical, social, and political context. From dissecting media debates and narratives to economic and security cooperation to political alignments, the fact sheets focus on the diverse facets that shape the evolving bilateral relationship between Germany and Ukraine.

The Infosheets are available in German and Ukrainian and serve as informative tools within the UA Transformation Lab project, often complementing the UkraineMEMO podcast and German-Ukrainian Breakfast Debates.

Team & authors

About the UA Transformation Lab: Think tanks for Ukraine’s reconstruction and EU integration project: The UA Transformation Lab combines research on reconstruction and EU integration of Ukraine with a capacity-building programme on policy analysis and advocacy. It strengthens bilateral dialogue and knowledge transfer between Germany and Ukraine.

Image copyright: Pexels: Tymur Khakimov; Unsplash: Claudio Schwarz; Pexels: Pixabay; Unsplash: Silver Ringvee; Pexels: Element 5 Digital; Pexels: Sora Shimazaki; Unsplash: Engin Akyurt; Unsplash: Artur Voznenko