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Press department

Marc Oliver / Photocase
Marc Oliver / Photocase

Stay informed. Find out what's going on at the IEP in press releases, social media posts and the newsletter.

If you would like to interview our scientists or need information on a specific topic, please feel free to contact us. We respond promptly to press enquiries and deliver results as quickly as possible.

Contact Person

Julia Winter // +49 (0)30 88 91 34 85 //


Our logo and portraits of our director can be found on the following pages. If you need further materials, such as high-resolution photos of IEP members and events, please contact us.



Once a month we summarise the diverse work of the IEP. Subscribe to our newsletter.


Press distribution list

We provide information about new publications in regular press releases. Register for our press distribution list.


Social Media

You can also find everything about the IEP on our social media:

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Press releases

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IEP in the media

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