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Common foreign and security policy

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September 2024 May 2024
InvigoratEU from A to Z: Key concepts and terminology
With new momentum for EU enlargement policy, InvigoratEU develops analytical frameworks, policy recommendations, tools and toolboxes to further invigorate the process. How the concepts and key terms fit together is laid out in the analytical glossary.
March 2024
Future Europe: InvigoratEU Kick-Off Conference in Tbilisi
Geopolitics, modernization and future Europe. How should EU enlargement policy be shaped in the future? The kick-off conference in Georgia launches the InvigoratEU project and unites European, institutional, civil society and academic perspectives.
December 2023 October 2023 September 2023
The European Union in an Age of Geopolitical Rivalries: Political Developments and Policy Responses
IEP Annual Conference
The IEP Annual Conference 2023 took place on 28 and 29 September at the Representation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia to the Federation in Berlin under the title "The European Union in an Age of Geopolitical Rivalries: Political Developments and Policy Responses".
July 2023
Lunch debate: Fresh wind for the EU-CELAC relations?
Europe talks
At our lunch debate, we discussed whether the high expectations for deeper cooperation between the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean following the EU-CELAC summit in July are justified, given existing asymmetries and political differences.
January 2023 December 2022 September 2022
The Future of Europe: Questions, Concepts and Actors
IEP Annual Conference
What are the implications of Russia’s war against Ukraine and what does the “Zeitenwende” mean for the EU’s CFSP and CSDP, economic and climate policy, and the future of the rule of law? At this year’s IEP Annual Conference in Berlin, experts engaged with these questions.
War in Ukraine – Different Perspectives from Germany and the EU?
The war against Ukraine demands the solidarity of European states. However, different perspectives on the war are emerging in Germany and its neighbouring countries. Those were the topic of the discussion concluding the rEUnify project in Dresden.
April 2022
Conference on the Future of Europe: Consequences of the Russia-Ukraine war
Europe talks
The Conference on the Future of Europe provides important impetus for the EU's role in the world and a common European foreign policy. In the light of Russia's war against Ukraine, the question of the significance of the results of the Conference arises.
March 2022 February 2022 October 2021 April 2021
Disoriented on the world stage? The EU's foreign policy between China, Russia and the USA
Civil Dialogues
Wie viel europäische Autonomie ist notwendig und wie sollte sich die EU international positionieren? Funda Tekin, IEP, und David McAllister, CDU Auswärtiger Ausschuss haben über die Herausforderungen und Perspektiven für eine wirkungsvollere EU-Außenpolitik diskutiert.
December 2020