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Conference on the Future of Europe

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July 2022 May 2022
Momentum for change: How to proceed with the results of the Conference on the Future of Europe
Europe talks
On May 9, 2022, the Conference on the Future of Europe concluded with European citizens presenting their proposals. Now, it is up to policymakers at all levels to set the course for implementing the ideas.
April 2022
Conference on the Future of Europe: Consequences of the Russia-Ukraine war
Europe talks
The Conference on the Future of Europe provides important impetus for the EU's role in the world and a common European foreign policy. In the light of Russia's war against Ukraine, the question of the significance of the results of the Conference arises.
March 2022 February 2022 December 2021 November 2021 October 2021
Towards a true Health Union
Europe talks
Continuing to combat the pandemic, improving structures, rethinking treaties – Dr. Thomas Steffen, State Secretary of the German Ministry of Health, discussed a European Health Union together with the guests of the Lunch Debate.
September 2021
EU integration at a crossroads: The future of the EU and German European policy
IEP Annual Conference
What do European experts from academia and politics think about the future of the EU, participatory democracy, differentiated integration and recovery and solidarity in the EU? At the IEP Annual Conference, they discussed these issues in order to find common solutions.
July 2021 March 2021 December 2020
A preliminary assessment of the German EU Council presidency
Europe talks
Gunther Krichbaum, MdB, Chairman of the Committee on European Union Affairs discussed EU migration policy, the investment agreement with China and the Conference on the Future of Europe.
November 2020 October 2020 June 2020
German pre-presidency conference: Shaping the future of Europe
IEP Annual Conference
Academics, political and civil society representatives, and young adults agree that in times of crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Union must take a stand for its values while striving for cohesion and justice.
May 2020
The election of destiny and its aftermath – One year after the European election
Europe talks
The atmosphere after the European elections, the influence of the member states, nation-state action: Katarina Barley, SPD top candidate in the 2019 European elections, discussed the state of play after the past EU election.