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Europe talks

Benjamin Child / Unsplash
Benjamin Child / Unsplash

The IEP's Europe Talks bring together citizens, decision-makers, academics and civil society to discuss challenges and perspectives on European integration. In this way, they promote the debate on European policy in Germany.

The Europe Talks aim to promote informed debates on current challenges of European integration. This takes place in two different formats: The public lunch debates introduce a current topic relevant to European policy. They enable civil society activists and interested citizens to enter into dialogue with political decision-makers and academics on current challenges of European integration. In doing so, they promote an informed, inclusive and broad exchange.

The confidential expert roundtables offer recognised experts from politics, academia, administration and civil society the opportunity for deep analysis and focused discussion of current political developments in the EU and trends in German European policy. In addition to content-related exchange, this also facilitates sustainable networking among the participants.


Duration: 01 January 2001 – ongoing
Image copyright: Benjamin Child / Unsplash
