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Julia Winter
Communication Advisor

Gerd Herzog
Gerd Herzog

Julia Winter is the Communications Officer. She is responsible for the internal and external communication of the IEP.


  • International Volunteer Program Officer Berlin Mission (South-North) (2017-2022)
  • Project Assistance at the Freienfelder Institute, Bolzano, Italy (2016)
  • Project Assistant at INCOSAD - Institute for Communal Sustainability and Development, Ulan Bator, Mongolia (2016)
  • Research assistant at the Chair of Public Management, University of Leipzig, Germany (2013-2016)
  • Dramaturgy assistant Deutsche Oper Berlin (2010-2012)
  • M.Sc. European Economic Integration/Central and Eastern Europe, University of Leipzig (2016)
  • B.A. General and Comparative Literature and Theater Studies (2010)


  • German
  • English
  • Spanish
