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EUle - Europe learn & engage

IEP/Julia Winter
IEP/Julia Winter

#EUle is a strategic educational initiative that aims to increase understanding of European issues. The campaign aims to inform people about current events and contexts and motivate them to actively participate in the European debate.

The social media campaign ‘Europe - learn and engage’ (#EUle) provides easily understandable and appealing information about EU policy, the European institutions and current developments. It is aimed in particular at young people and young adults, but also at the general public. At the heart of the campaign are short explanatory videos published regularly on platforms such as instagram, TikTok and YouTube. The aim is to make European topics tangible and to show the many links between the EU and people's everyday lives.

With this approach, #EUle aims to raise awareness of European issues, promote interest in the EU and counteract potential disenchantment with politics. In the long term, the campaign aims to contribute to a better informed and engaged European electorate and thus create the basis for a vibrant democratic culture.


Duration: 01 May 2024 – ongoing
Image copyright: IEP/Julia Winter