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Civil Society STAR Initiative

Shutterstock / Aleksandar Todorovic
Shutterstock / Aleksandar Todorovic

In recent years, conditions for the civil society development in Georgia have deteriorated. Civil Society STAR Initiative aims to strengthen Georgian civil society organisations (CSOs) as sustainable, transparent, responsible and resilient development actors.

There exists a high number of CSOs in Georgia that operate in crucial societal fields. However, due to limited access to state funding local CSOs largely depend on international donors, alongside weak organisational capacities and lacking linkages to the broader public. The overall impact of CSOs thus remains limited.

The Civil Society STAR Initiative aims at improving these shortages to sustainably increase the impact of civil society as a development actor in Georgia within three dimensions. In the external dimension, a more favourable environment with regard to regulatory and financial frameworks shall be created. In the intermediary dimension, the linkages between CSOs and constituencies and thus a greater public recognition shall be improved. In the internal dimension the capacities of individual CSOs shall be improved.

In cooperation with the Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG) IEP supports the Initiative within the activity “CSO Knowledge Lab for EU-Georgia Association Agreement (EU-GEO AA)” by delivering trainings to CSOs which are active in sectoral areas of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement to improve their professional performance, networking and advocacy skills.

The project is jointly being implemented with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in the lead and a number of local CSOs as partners, while funding is provided by the European Commission as well as the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).


Duration: 01 February 2021 – 31 January 2025
Image copyright: Shutterstock / Aleksandar Todorovic
