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Introducing #RESILIOtoolbox: the way forward to rule of law resilience

denhans/ Photocase
photocase /denhans x IEP
denhans/ Photocase
photocase /denhans x IEP

The toolbox offers ideas for concrete policy measures aiming at a more resilient rule of law in the EU. It draws from the results of a robust data analysis conducted in the RESILIO project.

During the last EU legislative period, the rule of law toolbox, which was designed to directly address rule of law violations, has grown: it is now equipped with new measures, like the Rule of Law Framework or the conditionality mechanism. Yet, it seems that next to corrective measures, prevention in the area of democratic backsliding can play an important role for rule of law resilience.

The #RESILIOtoolbox is a collection of possible instruments for strengthening the resilience of the rule of law in the EU and in the member states. It is based on the conclusions of the #RESILIO study, which, in addition to the dimensions, factors, and aspects of resilience, also identified which of them are currently particularly vulnerable and require immediate action.

The toolbox aims to propose possible innovative approaches to address the challenges and deliver viable solutions to policy and decision makers committed to safeguarding the rule of law in the EU. This comprehensive set of tools is addressed to the European Commission, European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, and finally the European Citizens' Initiative.

The #RESILIOtoolbox is the final product of the RESILIO Observatory, complementing the conceptual model and ten explanatory Snapshot Analyses; the Resilience Monitor data visualization and our full report “What makes the rule of law resilient? Evidence from EU27“ that showcase the empirical approach in measuring rule of law resilience; as well as 27 Country Reports that provide a nuanced insight into the situation in each member state.

The project is funded by Stiftung Mercator and co-funded by the CERV programme of the European Union.

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About the RESILIO – Resilience observatory on the rule of law in Europe project: Why are some democracies in the EU more resilient to the regressing rule of law than others? IEP will assess the resilience of all 27 member states using a systematic analytical framework in order to deliver counterstrategies to the regression of the rule of law.

Image copyright: photocase /denhans x IEP