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Empowered and Involved: Final study on #EngagEUrCouncil

Inga Kjer / IEP
Inga Kjer / IEP

Throughout the past two years, young citizens from Germany, Portugal and Slovenia have developed ideas for the future of Europe under the guidance of IEP. This study offers project evaluation and lessons learned for the future.

What conditions contribute to the success of European participation projects?

First, a wide European network and a supportive application process are important.

Second, a common (digital) working platform for the participants is necessary, especially under pandemic conditions. Moreover, continuous evaluation during the course helps to improve the project.

And third, such a platform can contribute to participation and discussion at eye level with policy experts.

The study presents these findings on the success of participation projects at the conclusion of #EngagEUrCouncil. It analyzes the results of a continuous evaluation during the course of the project and compares the ideas developed collaboratively by young citizens with the goals and results of the EU Council presidencies. The study addresses decision makers, youth organizations and similar participation projects.

In the framework of #EngagEUrCouncil, the IEP brought together more than 80 young citizens from Germany, Portugal and Slovenia. On the occasion of the trio presidency of the three countries in the Council of the EU, the participants formulated concrete policy recommendations for the future of Europe, using their different perspectives on the European unification process. In the end, they extended this process to the conference on the future of Europe. The ideas developed during #EngagEUrCouncil are available in a brochure that can be downloaded online or ordered from the IEP.

The study shows that participation projects - especially with young citizens - are promising for imparting knowledge about European politics and important competences as well as facilitating a facts-based democratic discussion. The results presented here can also contribute to the success of future projects.

Team & authors

About the #EngagEUrCouncil: Young agenda-setters for Europe project: Young Germans, Slovenians and Portuguese meet in a virtual think tank gaining knowledge on the priorities of the current Trio EU Council Presidency. They develop political demands for the future of the EU and discuss them with political decision makers.

Image copyright: Inga Kjer / IEP