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Europe Talks Central Asia: European-German-Uzbek relations

Benjamin Child / Unsplash
Benjamin Child / Unsplash

Representatives of Uzbek and German think tanks met at the IInstitut für Europäische Politik" for an exchange of ideas. The talks focused on the amendments to the Uzbek constitution and Uzbekistan's relations with Germany and the EU.

The exchange started with an overview of the envisaged constitutional amendments to be adopted by the Uzbek people on 30 April 2023. Human rights, rule of law processes as well as the right to a "clean environment" are to be given more consideration in the new constitution of Uzbekistan. This is part of President Mirziyoyev's political and economic reform programme "Development Strategy for a New Uzbekistan 2022-2026".

Good relations with neighbouring countries are of central importance for Uzbekistan. Furthermore, the European Union and especially Germany, as the largest investor in Central Asia, have been identified as particularly important partners. With regard to relations with the neighbouring state of Afghanistan, it was emphasised that despite the current difficult human rights situation in the country under the rule of the Taliban, dialogue should not end.

Uzbekistan's position on the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine was described by the delegation as neutral. However, Uzbekistan attaches great importance to respecting the territorial integrity of all states. Russia is an important trading partner of Uzbekistan, but the country is striving to diversify its trade relations.

The discussion was moderated by IEP Director Dr Katrin Böttger.

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About the Europe talks project: The IEP's Europe Talks bring together citizens, decision-makers, academics and civil society to discuss challenges and perspectives on European integration. In this way, they promote the debate on European policy in Germany.

Image copyright: Benjamin Child / Unsplash, IEP