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Study on online civic activism in Turkmenistan

Jason Goodman / Unsplash
Jason Goodman / Unsplash

How did social media influence the protests in and outside Turkmenistan in 2020? The study sheds light on the role of online activism during this wave of protests.

Turkmen citizens living abroad held a record number of peaceful demonstrations in 2020, demanding socio-economic and political reforms. Eurasia Lab fellow Rustam Muhamedov examined in his research how opposition activists have influenced protests on the ground through the use of social media platforms.

The results show that social media played a motivating role for protest actions. They also made protests more visible to the public and facilitated mobilisation and coordination of actions. Finally, they increased the political interest and engagement of Turkmen citizens at home and abroad. The analysis also identified a number of structural factors that limit the reach of the opposition movement to domestic target groups and consequently limit its ability to mobilise and link protests in Turkmenistan.

Team & authors

About the Eurasia Lab and Fellowship Programme project: Young researchers from Eastern Europe and Eurasia receive support through fellowships to realise their research projects. The Eurasia Lab & Fellowship Programme also helps them network with other researchers and activists working on the region.

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