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Europe Talks: Young visions for Europe

Ali Levlog / Pexels
Ali Levlog / Pexels

For the first time, young people in Germany are allowed to vote in the European elections from the age of 16. But how does the young generation view the future of Europe? What solutions do young candidates want to use to overcome the serious challenges of the future?

Thursday, 16 May 2024 06:00 pm – Thursday, 16 May 2024 08:30 pm

This event is in the past.

The upcoming European elections mark a significant moment for the European project. Wars, crises and the polarisation of public debate are increasingly creating the impression of a permanent state of emergency. The young generation has been affected by these developments for the longest time and must cope with the growing challenges. Lowering the voting age in Germany recognises the special role that young people play in this context and enables them to actively shape the future of Europe. The exchange with the young generation is therefore essential.

With this in mind, the IEP is inviting young candidates from various parties to discuss current European policy issues and share their ideas on the future of the European Union at the ‘Young Visions for Europe’ dialogue on Europe.

What impact could the lowered voting age have on the public debate? What do the speakers want to achieve as Members of the European Parliament? What solutions do they have for the challenges ahead?

These and other questions will be discussed in the European Debate.

Please register using the form below. The event will be held in German.

Thursday, 16 May 2024

6 p.m. admission

6.30 p.m. – 8 p.m. discussion

from 8 p.m. snack

Betahaus, Rudi-Dutschke-Str. 23, 10969 Berlin


Aileen Weibeler, CDU candidate

Alisa Trojansky, SPD candidate

Johannes Dallheimer, FDP candidate

Jan-Denis Wulff, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen candidate

Yasemin Efiloğlu, Volt candidate

Opening speech:

Prof Dr Funda Tekin

Institut für Europäische Politik, Berlin


York Albrecht

Institut für Europäische Politik, Berlin


About the Europe talks project: The IEP's Europe Talks bring together citizens, decision-makers, academics and civil society to discuss challenges and perspectives on European integration. In this way, they promote the debate on European policy in Germany.

Image copyright: Ali Levlog / Pexels
