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Ungarn neu denken – rethink Hungary

Dale Pike / Unsplash
Dale Pike / Unsplash

The relationship between the EU and Hungary is strained because of the situation regarding the rule of law. What is Germany's role in this after the "Zeitenwende"? The IEP is creating a dialog format for German stakeholders from politics, business and civil society.

In a September 2022 resolution, the European Parliament described Hungary as an “electoral autocracy” due to the disintegration of democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights. Hungary, in turn, is increasingly using its veto power at the European level, thus limiting the EU's scope for action. European institutions are in open conflict with Viktor Orbán's government.

What is Germany's role in the conflict over the rule of law? For a long time, the German attitude toward Budapest was very reserved. With the “Zeitenwende” however, Berlin is now turning toward a more values-based foreign policy. What does that mean for German-Hungarian relations, especially for democracy and the rule of law?

Supported by a grant from the Open Society Foundation gGmbH in cooperation with the Open Society Foundations, IEP creates a confidential framework for meetings between German stakeholders from politics, business and civil society. The aim of “Ungarn neu denken – rethink Hungary” is to create greater awareness in Germany of the consequences of the dismantling of democracy and the rule of law in Hungary. In addition, a policy paper shows how Berlin should address the situation in Hungary nationally, multilaterally and at the European level.


Duration: 01 January 2023 – 30 September 2023
Image copyright: Dale Pike / Unsplash