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EUritage: A European Success Story


The project raises awareness among young Europeans of the democratic revolutions in Central Europe and the accession of this region to the EU and discusses the relevance of these events for a European culture of remembrance.

In 1990 the division of Europe ended with the democratic upheavals in many countries of Central Europe and with German reunification. 15 years later, 10 states joined the European Union, continuing the European integration of the region. These historical events are now part of a common European heritage. They connect European citizens as part of a common community of values. A common understanding of the legacy of democratic revolutions and the EU accession process is essential to build a European future.

The project implements the exchange on the current relevance of historical events for a European understanding in public events, in a video documentation, through an essay competition for students from Central Europe and a joint publication that raises and connects different national perspectives on the memories of the historical upheavals and EU accession of Central Europe.


Duration: 01 September 2019 – 28 February 2022
Image copyright: Unsplash
