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Election Analysis Spain

Spain elected a new parliament on 23 July. In her analysis for the EU Election Monitor, Laia Mestres classifies the election results and shows the European policy implications of possible coalition alliances.

On July 23, Spaniards headed to the polls to make a crucial decision between supporting a second term for the incumbent Pedro Sánchez’s coalition government, consisting of the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) and Sumar (previously named Unidas Podemos) or opting for a shift to the right with a government led by the conservative People’s Party (PP) with the support of far-right Vox. The electoral campaign for this national parliamentary election coincided with Spain assuming the six-month Presidency of the Council of the EU. The inconclusive results led to a bitter victory for the conservative and far-right bloc as they were unable to secure a governing majority due to Vox’ losses. This created an opportunity for the progressive incumbent government to remain in power, even though the possibility of new elections remains the most likely scenario.

Read the full analysis in German here:

Analysis: Parliamentary elections Spain