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Parliamentary Election Spain 2023

Election year 2023: What are the European policy implications of national elections in the EU? In the run-up to the 2024 European elections, the IEP identifies their implications for Germany and Europe. The Spanish parliamentary election took place on 23 July 2023.

Election Analysis

Spain elected a new parliament on 23 July. In her analysis for the EU Election Monitor, Laia Mestres classifies the election results and shows the European policy implications of possible coalition alliances.

The full analysis is available here:

Election analysis Spain

Video Interview with Dr Andrés Santana Leitner

Dr. Andrés Santana Leitner gives background information about the parliamentary elections in Spain 2023. He talks about current prognoses, possible government coalitions, election campaign issues, and potential European policy implications.

Dr. Andrés Santana is Associate Professor at the Universidad Autonoma De Madrid.

Factsheet Parliamentary Election Spain

Read here our factsheets with background information on the parliamentary elections in Spain on 23 July 2023.