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Study – Strengthening the democratic legitimacy of the EU

Gerald / Pixabay
Gerald / Pixabay

Strengthening parliamentary democracy, reforming participatory democracy to achieve more citizen involvement, and creating clear responsibilities for economic policy in the eurozone. The state of democracy at the EU level has been analysed.

The Conference on the Future of Europe opens a window of opportunity to achieve reforms to strengthen EU-level democracy. In order to seize this opportunity, concrete reform proposals are needed. They have to advance the tried and tested path of democratizing the EU by strengthening the European Parliament and political parties on the European level as well as complement representative democracy with new participative instruments.

In a study commissioned by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, IEP elaborates such reform proposals in four areas:

  • Strengthening the role of the European Parliament within the EU’s political system,
  • Reforming the European electoral law,
  • Reforming the democratic legitimacy of the governance of the euro area,
  • Reforming the instruments of participatory democracy at EU level.

The study, commissioned by the EU Office of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, identifies needs for reform in all four areas and undertakes a review of the reform options currently discussed in the political and academic debates. Based on this analysis, concrete reform proposals are recommended. The results will be discussed with decision-makers and experts in order to feed the recommendations into the debate on the future of Europe.

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About the Strengthening the democratic legitimacy of the EU project: The Conference on the Future of Europe is an opportunity to enhance EU-level democracy. Concrete reform proposals have been worked out for this purpose. They are also advocated in the debate on the EU’s future.

ISSN/ISBN: 978-3-96250-730-5
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