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Policy Paper – Recommendations for the Conference on the Future of Europe


How is it still possible to make the Conference on the Future of Europe a successful experiment transnational deliberative democracy?

In the Joint Declaration, the EU institutions settle key points concerning the “Conference on the Future of Europe” (CoFoE). However, on a number of important aspects, they could not reach agreement. Therefore, and due to the too limited timeframe of just one year, making the CoFoE a success remains a huge challenge. In his policy paper for the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung’s EU Office in Brussels, Julian Plottka discusses the tasks ahead to turn the CoFoE into a ground-breaking experiment of transnational deliberative democracy. Especially involving the Councils in EU-level deliberative democracy could prove to be a major step forward.

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About the Strengthening the democratic legitimacy of the EU project: The Conference on the Future of Europe is an opportunity to enhance EU-level democracy. Concrete reform proposals have been worked out for this purpose. They are also advocated in the debate on the EU’s future.

ISSN/ISBN: 978-3-96250-871-5, 978-3-96250-856-2, 978-3-96250-898-2
Image copyright: FES