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NEXT4EU videos and TV debates

Javier Allegue Barros / Unsplash
Javier Allegue Barros / Unsplash

What challenges does Moldova face on the road to the EU? What false narratives are being spread in this context? And how can young people be involved in the Europeanisation process? These are the questions addressed in the NEXT4EU videos and TV debates.

The videos primarily deal with the European reform priorities. The aim of the videos and TV debates is to inform the Moldovan population about current EU issues, combat fake news and create a space for discussion. They can be viewed in Romanian with Russian subtitles on the YouTube channels of the partner organisations.

Reform recommendations from the EU

The first video, published in October 2023, provides a comprehensive overview of the progress made in implementing the nine reform recommendations issued by the European Commission to the Republic of Moldova in July 2022.

Video 1: "Iulian Groza on the progress made in implementing the 9 reform recommendations"

Start of the accession negotiations

The second video, published in November 2023, deals with the implications of a positive decision to open accession negotiations. This was scheduled for the European Council meeting on 14 and 15 December 2023. The Republic of Moldova has reached this milestone and is now about to hold its first intergovernmental conference as part of the accession negotiations.

Video 2: "What can we expect after the opening of accession negotiations with the EU?"

Fake news and EU approval

The third and fourth videos deal with current "fake news" such as the misleading narrative that TV channels promoting traditional family values are being shut down by Moldovan authorities. Furthermore, the short analyses refute the claim that there is supposedly no majority of the population in favour of the Republic of Moldova's integration into the EU. It is true that approval varies by population group. However, according to an opinion poll conducted by IPRE and CBS-AXA in the summer of 2023, almost 60% of Moldovans are in favour of their country joining the EU.

Video 3, "Fact check: Why were some TV channels closed?"

Video 4: "Large majority of Moldovan citizens support the country's accession to the EU"

TV debates on the Europeanisation of Moldova

The TV debates continued to discuss the "Europeanisation of Moldova", with a particular focus on the perspectives of young people. They discussed the development prospects of young Moldovans, the need to invest in education and how young people can actively participate in the Europeanisation process. In addition, the debates compared myths circulating among young people regarding European integration with facts and thus debunked them.

TV debate: "Moldova's integration into the EU requires a national consensus"

TV debate: "The benefits of Moldova's accession to the EU, discussed on RliveTv!"

In the second half of 2023, a total of four videos and two TV debates were published as part of the NEXT4EU project. The publication of further videos and TV debates is planned for 2024.

Team & authors

About the NEXT4EU: Young generation for EU integration project: The Republic of Moldova was officially designated as a candidate country for the European Union in June 2022.. The NEXT4EU project supports civil society in accompanying European reforms and especially the young generation in engaging in the integration process.

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