Strategies for the further development of the German-Ukrainian partnership were the focus of the sixth Ukraine Breakfast Debate on 25 May 2021, which was held as a hybrid event. The event was opened by Anka Feldhusen, the German Ambassador to Kyiv and patron of the event series. The guests present on site in Kyiv discussed with the Special Representative for Ukraine at the Federal Foreign Office, Jean P. Froehly, who was connected online. The focus was on the potential for cooperation in the fields of energy, Ukraine's reform process and the deepening of relations with the EU and NATO.
Most of the event was devoted to the discussion of four priority topics for the future strategic dialogue between Germany and Ukraine. Firstly, the German-Ukrainian energy partnership should be mentioned. The topic must be strategically embedded in a larger debate on energy security in the entire region and the European Union. One important aspect is the transit of gas through Ukraine. Several Ukrainian experts pointed out that this was not only an important economic factor, but also had geopolitical implications. The question was what guarantees Ukraine could expect in the event of the completion of Nord Stream 2. Against this background, Ukrainian participants emphasised the need for further steps towards membership in NATO and the EU.
The second focus of cooperation was the Ukrainian reform process, especially in the areas of justice, the fight against corruption and security sector reform. Thirdly, Ukraine's ambitions to move closer to the European Union should be mentioned. Germany's support for Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic integration efforts is very important, the Ukrainian experts noted. Fourth, economic cooperation was discussed. German companies are not yet sufficiently aware of the opportunities for investment in Ukraine, which is also linked to the aspect of a lack of legal certainty.
Other topics that moved the audience were the modernisation of the culture of remembrance, in particular the demand for better historical information about and a separate commemoration of the victims of the German occupation of Ukraine in the Second World War. Several questions to the speaker from Germany concerned the future shape of the Eastern Partnership and the special role of Ukraine in the associated trio of countries with the Republic of Moldova and Georgia. The prospects for conflict resolution in eastern Ukraine were also discussed.
The diversity of the topics addressed and the emotionality with which the debate on individual points was conducted show how important Germany is for Ukraine and with which hopes the view is directed towards the partner country. And, of course, how relevant the discussion format and the regular bilateral dialogue are.
The Germany Breakfast Debates are part of the project "German-Ukrainian Researchers Network" (GURN 2) and are conducted in close cooperation with the Ukrainian partner organisation New Europe Center (NEC).