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Voices of Belarusian diaspora

Jana Shnipelson / Unsplash
Jana Shnipelson / Unsplash

Difficulties, challenges and opportunities - the publication "Voices of the Belarusian Diaspora" takes an analytical and practical look at Belarusian activists in exile.

The first part of the publication provides an insight into the research findings of the ConnectBY project. These show the manifold challenges for Belarusian activists to maintain their civil society engagement in the diaspora. The focus of the analysis is on members of the Belarusian diaspora in Germany and Ukraine after 2020 as well as on those who had to migrate further after the start of the Russian war of aggression.

The (sometimes repeated) move to foreign countries is accompanied by high bureaucratic hurdles and communication problems as well as psychological stress. On the other hand, the change of location also offers opportunities to experience support in growing diaspora networks and to receive impulses for further engagement.

In the second part of the publication, personal contributions from diaspora members offer access to the activities, fates and life paths that are hidden behind the figures of the analytical part. Within the framework of ConnectBY, the participants have received support for the further elaboration of their project ideas, with which they directly and indirectly contribute to the democratic development of Belarusian society.

The publication is available in English and Belarusian.

Team & authors

About the ConnectBY – Belarusian civil society in diaspora project: After mass demonstrations in Belarus in 2020, numerous civil society actors had to leave the country. Many of them have settled in Germany and Ukraine. ConnectBY supports their networking and their work for a democratic Belarus.

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