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20 civil-society trainers on EU association process successfully instructed


20 committed people from Ukrainian civil society received proudly their certificates as trainers on the EU Association Agreement.

Well done! At the end of February, 20 committed persons from the Ukrainian civil society received their trainer certificates related to the EU association agreement. In the framework of the Civic School for Sound EU Practice (CiSEP) they benefitted from a half-year long Train-The-Trainer course on the Ukraine-EU association agreement. This included active attendance in four workshops of three-day length in Chernihiv and Dnipro. These trainings empower them with in-depth knowledge about the EU-Ukraine association process as well as the practical skill-set to operate as multipliers with their own interactive trainings on EU association in the future.

CiSEP puts emphasis on designing the training series as interactively as possible in order to optimise the participants’ learning effect. As regards the content, the workshops focused on deepening their knowledge on the EU association process. Simultaneously, the future trainers learnt how to develop helpful methods, agendas and suitable materials for their trainings. Their skills in visualisation and presentation of training contents was strengthened. During the last workshop, they benefitted from useful insights into debriefing and evaluation of a training.

At the end of February 2020, the 20 participants passed their exams to become trainers on the EU association agreement. This was an important course requirement beside their active workshop participation and regular homework completion. CiSEP and the participants felt honoured to welcome the German Consul General in Donetsk (current residence in Dnipro), Stefan Keil, during the certificate handover ceremony.

In addition to conducting the workshop, CiSEP also provided the participants with individual consultations related to their self-developed trainings. As part of the training series the participants will organise self-designed workshops in the framework of the association agreement. Thematically, some of them will evoke the basics of the association agreement, whereas others will focus on specific chapters of the agreement. Likewise, the target audience of their trainings will be diverse: e.g. youth, students, entrepreneurs and journalists.

Participants are expected to use their acquired knowledge and trainer skills to implement trainings on the EU association agreement in their regions. In this framework, the future trainers will reach many more Ukrainians and sensitise them to diverse topics related to the association agreement. Thereby, they will make an important contribution to inform the Ukrainian population about European integration.

About the CiSEP – Civic School for Sound EU Practice in Ukraine project: The Civic School for Sound EU Practice (CiSEP) is a training program for active changemakers from Ukrainian civil society. CiSEP creates a network of experts on issues related to the EU Association Agreement with the aim of strengthening Ukraine's European integration.

Image copyright: Pixabay