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CiSEP – Civic School for Sound EU Practice in Ukraine


The Civic School for Sound EU Practice (CiSEP) is a training program for active changemakers from Ukrainian civil society. CiSEP creates a network of experts on issues related to the EU Association Agreement with the aim of strengthening Ukraine's European integration.

CiSEP conveys skills and knowledge on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (AA/DCFTA). It consists of three training levels:

Level A: AA/DCFTA Basics

Basic knowledge of the EU institutional set-up and the Association Agreement with Ukraine; AA/DCFTA monitoring skills.
Timeframe: July 2017 – October 2017.
Clusters: Chernihiv, Dnipro, Lviv.
Participants: 25 fellows in each cluster.

Level B: AA/DCFTA specialisation

Topic-specific programme dedicated to selected AA/DCFTA chapters for specialised CSOs, e.g. in trade and sustainable development, agriculture, customer protection, intellectual property, transparency.
Timeframe: October 2017 — June 2019
Clusters: Chernihiv, Dnipro, Lviv, Odessa.
Participants: 20 fellows in each cluster.

Level C: Training-the-trainers programme

Training and coaching programme on EU and AA/DCFTA-specific teaching skills for multipliers. Timeframe: January 2018 — June 2019
Clusters: Chernihiv+Lviv, Odessa+Dnipro.
Participants: 25 fellows in each group.

The trainings are carried out by experts from administration and civil society of EU member states, EU candidate countries and Ukraine. The long-term project creates a sustainable network and synergies for the cooperation of the participating civil society organisations.

CiSEP is organized by the Institut für Europäische Politik (Berlin) and implemented in cooperation with Polissya Foundation for International and Regional Studies (Chernihiv), Civil Network OPORA (Lviv), Odessa Regional Organization of All-Ukrainian NGO “Committee of Voters of Ukraine” (Odessa) and NGO “Public Chamber of Ukraine” (Dnipro).


Duration: 01 September 2015 – 31 July 2020
Image copyright: Pixabay, Cisep
