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CAPACITY4EU Videos and TV-Debatten

What challenges does the Republic of Moldova face on its way to the EU? What disinformation is being spread in this context? The CAPACITY4EU videos and TV debates provide answers and correct false information.

The videos and TV debates deal with European integration and the dissemination of related disinformation. The aim is to inform the population in Moldova about current EU issues, expose false narratives and create a space for open discussion. The videos can be viewed in Romanian or Russian on the YouTube channels of our partner organisations.

1. Video: How does the European Union support the development of Gagauzia?

The first video exposes the disinformation that European integration allegedly harms the autonomy and well-being of the population in Gagauzia. Gagauzia is an autonomous region within the Republic of Moldova and therefore has an extensive self-administration and its own government. Before the EU referendum in Moldova, Başkan Evghenia Guțul, the head of government of the autonomous region of Gagauzia, called on residents to vote against EU integration. However, Gagauzia has benefited considerably from the EU over the past four years: The region received funding amounting to 12 million euros. This makes Gagauzia one of the regions of Moldova that has benefited the most from EU funding. The video was released in October 2024.

2. Video: The EU increases support for the Moldovan energy sector

The second video deals with false narratives about the Moldovan energy sector. Since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova has been affected by sharply increased energy prices, as until then the country was almost entirely dependent on electricity and gas supplies from Russia and the Transnistria region. The video provides information about the Moldovan government's offer of financial support during the heating period, EU financial aid in the energy sector and plans to increase energy efficiency. The aim is to reduce energy consumption and thus energy costs for households. The video was published in November 2024.

3. Video: Moldova's foreign debt: How does it work?

The third video refutes the disinformation about Moldova's foreign debt. False reports claim that the EU is only supporting Moldova in order to supposedly colonise it. The reason for this narrative could be the EU growth plan of 1.8 billion euros (2025-2027) adopted by the European Commission on 10 October 2024. In fact, Moldova's foreign debt began to decline in 2024 - both relative to GDP and in absolute terms, as confirmed by the National Bank. The video makes it clear: the claim that the EU is driving Moldova into a debt trap is false. Governments take out loans to finance expenditures that exceed tax revenues.

1. TV debate: Economic relations between the Republic of Moldova and the EU

In September 2024, the first TV debate was broadcasted in the show ‘Trigger’ on JurnalTV. The discussion centred around economic relations between the Republic of Moldova and the EU and the economic opportunities that arise for Moldova through its EU candidate status. The programme also looked at how the Association Agreement, which has been in place for ten years, has changed the economic relations and the advantages it offers to the Republic of Moldova.

2. TV debate: Impact of European integration on local and regional development

The TV debate produced by the platform in December 2024 dealt with the question of what impact European integration could have on the local and regional development of the Republic of Moldova. The discussion between the three experts centred on the economic opportunities that could arise as a result of EU rapprochement. The topics discussed included access to financing instruments, cooperation initiatives, the harmonisation of the economic model and the strengthening of the business environment as steps towards meeting EU standards.

Team & authors

About the CAPACITY4EU: Civil Society for EU Integration project: The EU began accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova in June 2024. The project CAPACITY4EU strengthens civil society actors in Moldova for their participation in the negotiations and supports them in further EU integration.

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