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The European Defense Union needs more German drive

Christian Lue / Unsplash
Christian Lue / Unsplash

Germany's reorganisation of its foreign and security policy is neglecting the European level. Short-term decisions and reluctance towards EU initiatives are slowing down progress. With stronger German impulses, the defense union could gain momentum.

In his Zeitenwende-speech, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz emphasised the importance of Europe as the central framework for action for the announced realignment of foreign and security policy. However, there has been a lack of clear European orientation in the implementation of the measures so far. The progress made is currently not sufficient to meet the even greater challenges.

In the latest issue of Berlin Perspectives, Dr Nicole Koenig, Head of Policy of the Munich Security Conference (MSC) describes how short-term agreements with partners outside Europe, the cautious German reaction to new European defense initiatives or the sceptical attitude towards debt-financed solutions undermine the long-term goal of a unified European defence industry. She shows how the European Defence Union could be made fit for the road in the long term, for example by renewing the Strategic Compass, creating a European internal market for defense and expanding joint European investments.

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About the Berlin Perspectives project: The IEP Policy Brief series Berlin Perspectives presents precise analyses on Germany’s European policy to an English-speaking audience. The authors analyse German European policy positions on current topics and debates to provide policy recommendations based on their findings.

Image copyright: Christian Lue / Unsplash