The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine has forced the European Union (EU) into a new era - and initially, it created more unity across the EU than experienced for a long time. However, the second year of the war is now drawing to a close and the new era is characterised above all by uncertainty and various challenges:
The Union is struggling to find unified foreign policy positions, internal tensions are on the rise and a renewed sharp rise in migration figures is creating great pressure to act.
In the year leading up to the European Parliament elections, the EU is characterised by numerous debates, such as the discussion on enlargement and reform, the rule of law and resilience, or the fight against climate change and the associated socio-ecological transformation.
The 43rd edition of the Yearbook is a unique resource for anyone who wants to find out about the latest developments in the EU. Since 1980, the Yearbook has been analysing developments in the EU and its member states on an annual basis. The authors of the more than 100 articles are recognised experts in their field. They describe the events of the past year (summer 2022 to summer 2023) and analyse their significance for the progress of European integration.
The yearbook is a project of the Institut für Europäische Politik, and organised in cooperation with the Centrum für angewandte Politikforschung of the University of Munich and the Centrum für Türkei und EU-Studien (CETEUS) of the University of Cologne.