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Inga Kjer / IEP
Inga Kjer / IEP

The quarterly journal "integration" is a theory-driven and policy-related interdisciplinary forum for fundamental questions of European integration. Contemporary issues in European politics are discussed from a political and academic perspective.

The integration is published by a board of editors chaired by Prof. Dr. Frank Schimmelfennig for the Institut für Europäische Politik e.V. in cooperation with the Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration e.V. The integration is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. The IEP alone is responsible for the contents. The editorial team will be happy to answer any questions or suggestions you may have.

Yearly subscription print and online

Private 78,– €; Students 44,– € // Institutions 156,– € // Single edition 22,– €

All issues are freely accessible in the Nomos e-library 36 months after the publication of a volume.

Call for papers

Authors from the fields of politics, economics, law, and history as well as related disciplines who scientifically address fundamental questions of European integration and current European politics are cordially invited to submit essays for the review process. In particular, we encourage young scientists to offer current research results for publication.

The submission of manuscripts for the sections “Articles”, “Forum” and “Literature” is always welcome. The manuscripts must be distinguished by their originality and scientific diligence in the presentation and analysis of relevant problems of European integration. As a rule, a decision on whether to print submitted manuscripts is made after the review process (“double blind peer review”) has been completed.

Further information (German): Open Call for papers 2024

Hints for your submission: Guidelines for Authors of "integration"

Board of editors

Prof Dr Frank Schimmelfennig (Chair), Zurich; Prof Dr Thomas Christiansen, Rome; Prof Dr Friedrich Heinemann, Mannheim; Prof Dr Mathias Jopp, Berlin; Prof Dr Michèle Knodt, Darmstadt; Dr Barbara Lippert, Berlin; Prof Dr Hartmut Marhold, Berlin; Prof Dr Franz Mayer, Bielefeld; Prof Dr Peter-Christian Müller-Graff, Heidelberg; Prof Dr Martin Nettesheim, Tübingen; Prof Dr Joachim Schild, Trier; Prof Dr Wolfgang Wessels, Cologne

Editorial team

Prof Dr Funda Tekin (Head of editorial team, V.i.S.d.P.) // Dr Tobias Hofelich, Head of editorial team // Sabine Hoscislawski, editor // Marcel Vesper, editorial assistant // Dr Nico Halkenhäuser, editorial assistant for the Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration


Duration: 01 January 1992 – ongoing
Image copyright: Inga Kjer / IEP
