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A Missed Constitutional Moment: The Maastricht Treaty and the European Public Sphere (1988-91)


With a detailed examination of the German, French, and British press debates, Manuel Müller's book provides empirical insights into a key phase of EU integration.

In the crisis of 1989/90, the negotiations on the Maastricht Treaty offered the best conditions for a European constitutional moment. However, the public debate remained fragmented and focused on national interests - not least because of the intergovernmental process, which put greater attention and news value on the diplomatic context than the constitutional content of the reform. With a detailed examination of the German, French, and British press debates, Manuel Müller's book provides empirical insights into a key phase of EU integration. It also offers an analytical reassessment of the preconditions of the European public sphere and the relationship between political procedures and discourse structures.

Manuel Müller:

A Missed Constitutional Moment: The Maastricht Treaty and the European Public Sphere (1988-91)

Europäische Schriften, Vol. 99

2021, 1st edition, 796 pages, paperback

ISBN print: 978-3-8487-6514-0

ISBN online: 978-3-7489-0600-1

Orderable in the Nomos Shop

About the European Papers project: Collective foreign policy, European neighbourhood, energy policy: these and many other topics are covered in the series European Papers.

Image copyright: iep