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Europa von A bis Z

IEP/ Julia Winter
IEP/ Julia Winter

Understanding Europe: Renowned European experts explain in more than 100 contributions relevant key topics and terms from politics, economy, and history of European integration in a scientifically sound and comprehensible way.

Whether environmental and climate policy, EU treaties or Euroscepticism – the paper back "Europa von A bis Z" provides insights into the most important topics and terms of European cooperation from Winston Churchill's speech in 1946 about the "United States of Europe" to the present day in over 100 factual contributions. It addresses anyone interested in Europe looking for specific and reliable information on the latest developments in European policy. Previous knowledge is not necessary. The pocket book is being published in an updated and expanded version in the 16th edition.

The paper back is available in three forms: as print edition, e-book, and as "Living Edition" on SpringerLink that is continuously updating the contributions and addressing current developments.

Living Edition Print edition + E-Book

The New Edition Offers:

  • A comprehensive introduction to the history of European integration;
  • 108 Contributions on the most important topics of European integration, including references to the EU treaties and recommended literature;
  • A chronology that provides detailed information on the central stages of European integration;
  • A list of abbreviations;
  • A subject index.

All contributions are structured identically and contain the following elements:

  • A fact box (reference to the EU treaties, aims, instruments, and budget of a policy area or reference to the EU treaties, composition, headquarters, competences, tasks, and decision-making procedures of institutions, internet references)
  • Main text
  • Further literature and documents

The contributions in the "Living Edition" also provide a short abstract of the topic as well as keywords.

The paper back “Europa von A bis Z” is a project of the Institute für Europäische Politik (IEP), in cooperation with the Center for Applied Policy Research (C.A.P) of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and the Centre for Turkey and EU Studies(former Chair for European Politics) at the University of Cologne.

“Europa von A bis Z” receives funding from the German Federal Foreign Office.

The IEP is funded by the European Union within the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme 2021–2027.

The IEP alone is responsible for the contents.


Prof Dr Werner Weidenfeld, Prof Dr Wolfgang Wessels, Dr Funda Tekin


Springer VS, Wiesbaden


Duration: 01 January 1991 – ongoing
Image copyright: IEP/ Julia Winter, Inga Kjer / IEP
