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Brochure: EngagEUrCouncil collection of ideas

Inga Kjer / IEP
Inga Kjer / IEP

Europe should become more sustainable, sovereign and resilient. The brochure presents young people's demands for the future of Europe, which they developed over two years as part of the #EngagEUrCouncil project.

During Germany’s, Portugal’s and Slovenia’s trio presidency of the Council of the European Union, young participants from these countries discussed ideas for the future of Europe and formulated concrete demands to European decision-makers. The demands cover a variety of political topics such as trade, social or foreign policy, which are particularly important for the young European generation. They further developed their demands on European climate policy and the role of the EU in the world in the course of the conference on the future of Europe. This contribution is now available on the digital platform of the conference.

The brochure collects all ideas developed within the framework of the #EngagEUrCouncil virtual think tank in three project cycles for the respective Council presidencies and the Conference on the Future of Europe. It creats an overall picture that testifies to the young generation’s passion and commitment to Europe. At the same time, it illustrates the determination of young people to participate in political processes with the aim to actively shape politics.

If you are interested, you can order a printed copy of the brochure free of charge by sending an e-mail to .

Team & authors

About the #EngagEUrCouncil: Young agenda-setters for Europe project: Young Germans, Slovenians and Portuguese meet in a virtual think tank gaining knowledge on the priorities of the current Trio EU Council Presidency. They develop political demands for the future of the EU and discuss them with political decision makers.

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