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Research Project Facilitator - Publications

Pexels/Kindel Media
Pexels/Kindel Media

Ukraine's social, economic and environmental challenges require sound research and practical solutions. Together with the Ukrainian think tank Cedos, IEP has supported three regional NGO projects. The resulting publications are presented here.

The Research Project Facilitator, as part of the UA Transformation Lab, primarily aimed to promote collaborative approaches between civil society organisations and local authorities in Ukraine. The outcomes of the three supported projects highlight the need to strike a balance between immediate reconstruction demands and sustainable strategies in view of the country’s EU integration. These findings provide significant impetus for local policymaking.

Overview of the three projects:


Syla Hromady – “The Road Home”
This paper addresses the specific needs of veterans and their families in Kolomyia. The findings reveal an urgent need for financial support, medical care, and social integration. The high demand for psychological support and legal advice underscores the necessity for a physical space that consolidates these essential services and strengthens the community. Based on the analysis and in close cooperation with the city council, a physical veteran centre was opened in Kolomyia in mid-November 2024.

T. Hereliuk, Y. Beliavskyi, A. Kharchenko (2024): The Road Home

Т. Герелюк, Ю.Белявський, А. Харченко (2024): Дорога Додому

  • Opening of the veteran centre in Kolomyia in November 2024


NGO 3.5% – “Non-refundable education: how small municipalities massively lose young school-leavers to migration (and never see them back)”
The team of NGO 3.5% analyses the causes of the emigration of young school graduates in Mukachevo. The study highlights the need for active economic promotion and improved local career prospects to retain talent in the region. Specific proposals include targeted investments in education and labour market opportunities to counter migration and foster the region’s sustainable development.

3,5% NGO (2024): Youth Migration from Mukachevo Territorial Community

3,5% ГО (2024): Міграція молоді з Мукачівської територіальної громади


The Seven Storey Mountain – “Transition: perennials in urban planning”
This research paper examines the benefits of perennial plants for sustainable urban greening in Lutsk and Novovolynsk. It emphasises the necessity of shifting towards climate-resilient greening strategies supported by the population. Public discussion forums fostered dialogue with residents and contributed to the selection of suitable plants for pilot sites. The paper recommends introducing a "Green Course" with specific goals by 2030 to ensure the long-term sustainability of urban greening efforts.

V. Khmyz, L. Dmytryshyn (2024): Transition Perennials in Urban Planning and Urban Design

V. Хмиз, Л. Дмитришин (2024): Перехід Багаторічні рослини в міському плануванні та міському дизайні


The three publications were funded through the Research Project Facilitator and solely reflect the opinions of their respective authors.

Team & authors

About the UA Transformation Lab: Think tanks for Ukraine’s reconstruction and EU integration project: The UA Transformation Lab combines research on reconstruction and EU integration of Ukraine with a capacity-building programme on policy analysis and advocacy. It strengthens bilateral dialogue and knowledge transfer between Germany and Ukraine.

Image copyright: Pexels/Kindel Media