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Non-recognised states, security threats and post conflict ‘stateness’: The quartet of post-Soviet space


For non-recognised states, the road to internal and external statehood is long and complicated. The paper presents the ‘Peace Index’ as an assessment method for statehood, using the examples of Nagorno-Karabakh, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria.

The way of formation of statehood and ‘stateness’ is rather long and complicated for countries, that have not been recognized yet. Their additional difficulties for ‘stateness‘ are conditioned by challenges and consequences of conflict, stringent limitation of international relations, lack of experience and knowledge of how to build a sovereign state. The paper by Violetta Manukyan proposes an integral model of assessing ‘stateness’, the so-called ‘Peace Index’ to comprehensively capture the levels of ‘stateness’ of such states. The index is discussed based on the examples of four non-recognised states of Post-Soviet space: Nagorno-Karabakh, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria.

About the EUCACIS – The EU, Central Asia and the Caucasus in the International System project: EUCACIS is a PhD support programme for postgraduates and doctoral researchers from Central Asia and the Southern Caucasus.

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