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Berlin Policy Hub – Europeanization beyond process

Optimarc / Shutterstock
Optimarc / Shutterstock

The Berlin Policy Hub, as part of the "Europeanisation beyond process" initiative, aims at networking research institutions and decision makers from different EU member states with think tanks from Eastern Partnership countries.

The "Europeanisation beyond process" initiative aims to build a bridge between the discourses on europeanisation in the EU member states and in the Eastern neighboring countries. For this purpose, think tanks from the Eastern Partnership countries are connected with research institutions and decision makers from different EU member states.

Within the framework of this initiative, the IEP, as a Policy Hub in Berlin, is the first point of contact, partner organisation and "door opener" for think tanks from Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine that want to expand their network to include German partners and scientists. The Policy Hub also serves as a consulting center for training and knowledge transfer and supports the Eastern European partner organisations in their scientific work and the presentation of research results to a German audience.

The Berlin Policy Hub is part of the "Europeanisation beyond process" initiative supported by the Open Society Foundations and aims to intensify the exchange between Eastern European think tanks and their German counterparts and to facilitate new forms of cooperation. Within the framework of the project, scholars from Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine will have the opportunity to present their expertise and research results to a German audience, in order to gain a better understanding of the discourse within Germany on these topics.

Eastern European Insights

The Eastern European Insights series is part of the Berlin Policy Hub project. In it, our partner think tanks from Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine comment on current issues in their home countries and regions and shed light on the background of important political, economic and social events.

These contributions provide readers with detailed insights into developments in the Eastern Partnership countries and offer a critical assessment of events by local experts. The internal European debate on how to deal with the EU's neighboring states is thus enriched by voices from the countries concerned.


Duration: 01 January 2018 – 31 August 2020
Image copyright: Optimarc / Shutterstock, Berlin Policy Hub
