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Call for Applications: Spinelli Forum 2023

Be part of the German Italian Young Leaders Dialogue 2023. Discuss with young leaders from Germany and Italy about joint European challenges and the future of the EU. Deadline for applications: 17 September 2023.

The German Italian Young Leaders Dialogue – Spinelli Forum offers a future generation of Italian and German leaders in the fields of politics, business, academia, civil society, media, and culture the unique opportunity to discuss the challenges faced by the German-Italian partnership as it shapes the future of the EU.

We are looking for young Italian and German candidates who would like to take part in the third edition of the Spinelli Forum 2023 including:

  • a virtual kick-off event (6. October 2023)
  • two online workshops (20 October and 10 November 2023)
  • a final in-person two-day conference in Berlin (20 and 21 November).

Thematic Focus

The EU and its member states face an increasing number of challenges that require close cooperation at the European level. These challenges include fulfilling and preserving the promise of prosperity to the benefit of all European citizens, securing the global competitiveness of European economies, successfully transforming European economies to adapt to climate change and the digital revolution, and enhancing European security in the context of increasing geopolitical competition. As close partners and founding members of the EU, both Germany and Italy are key to advancing European cooperation to meet them.

In four working groups, participants will discuss important aspects of the EU’s internal and external capacity to act from a German and Italian perspective. They will discuss differences in perception in order to reach a better understanding of the respective position and to identify synergies and priorities. Finally, they will develop policy proposals for joint European action.

These four working groups are

  • European Foreign and Security Policy
  • European migration policy
  • European entrepreneurship
  • European energy transition

Who can apply?

German and Italian young leaders and high potentials from the fields of politics, business, academia, civil society, the social sector, media, and culture with a strong interest in European cooperation.


  • Aged between 25 and 35 years, applications of strong candidates aged between 25 and 30 years will be given preference
  • First university degree (BA or MA) or equivalent vocational qualification
  • Strong interest/expertise in European cooperation, particularly in the fields of foreign policy, migration policy, economics, or climate and energy policy (see the selection criteria for details)
  • Excellent command of English

How to Apply

Deadline: 17 September 2023

Please read the full Call for Application and Evaluation Criteria thoroughly for all information and details.

Call for Application Evaluation Criteria


Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP)
Name: Julian Rappold
Tel.: +49 30 88 913 40

Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI)
Name: Francesca Robbiati
Tel.: +39 02 863313.231


The German Italian Young Leaders Dialogue – Spinelli Forum is a joint initiative of the German Federal Foreign Office and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in partnership with the Institute for European Politics (IEP) and the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI).

Team & authors

About the German-Italian Young Leaders Dialogue – Spinelli Forum project: The Spinelli Forum aims to strengthen relations between Italy and Germany in the long term. Young leaders from both countries jointly develop recommendations for action to address current European challenges.

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