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Policy Change in the EU‘s Immediate Neighbourhood: A Sectoral Approach


The seven articles in this anthology analyze the influence of the European Union on policy change in the enlargement and neighbourhood policy states in Southeast Europe, Turkey, Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and the Southern Mediterranean.

The seven articles in this anthology analyze the influence of the European Union on policy change in the enlargement and neighborhood policy states in Southeast Europe, Turkey, Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus, and the Southern Mediterranean. They develop short-, medium- and long-term policy recommendations on how the European Union can improve its support for reform processes in political, social, and economic issues. They deal with policy fields such as democracy promotion, environmental policy, visa facilitation agreements, regulatory convergence to the internal market, protection of minorities, decentralization for conflict resolution, and the role of civil society in these reform processes. The work is part of the series Europäische Schriften (Volume 93) and was financially supported by the Kolleg-Forschergruppe (KFG) "The Transformative Power of Europe". The KFG, based at the Free University of Berlin, is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

With contributions from:

Esther Ademmer, Tanja A. Börzel, Katrin Böttger, Mariella Falkenhain, Julia Langbein, Eva-Maria Maggi, Imke Pente, Iryna Solonenko, Vera van Hüllen, Gözde Yilmaz.

Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel, Dr. Katrin Böttger (eds.): Policy Change in the EU's Immediate Neighbourhood: A Sectoral Approach, 2012, 174 pp.

ISBN 978-3-8329-7441-1

(Series European Writings, vol. 93)

Available in the Nomos-Shop

About the European Papers project: Collective foreign policy, European neighbourhood, energy policy: these and many other topics are covered in the series European Papers.

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