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Networking labs: Funding schemes and networking

Jana Shnipelson / Unsplash
Jana Shnipelson / Unsplash

In October 2022, the first events of the ConnectBY project took place. In two informative and interactive networking labs, members of the Belarusian diaspora community received information on funding opportunities and had time for informal exchange.

The first two events of the ConnectBY project took place on 7 and 14 October 2022. Members of the Belarusian diaspora communities in Germany and Ukraine were invited to to participate in networking labs (NetLabs). The first part of the NetLabs revolved around various financial support programmes. In the second part, the participants had the opportunity to exchange informally, review their own projects and discuss further issues.

One of the funding opportunities presented was the ÖPR programme of the Federal Foreign Office. Questions from the participants were answered directly by the Belarus officer of the Federal Foreign Office. In addition, the Philip Schwartz Initiative, which is specifically aimed at academics, and other funding opportunities were presented. At the second NetLab, Dr Olga Matveieva and Dr Vasil Navumau of the ConnectBY project team also explained the initial results of their mapping study.

One outcome of the two meetings was the creation and distribution of a comprehensive list of funding opportunities for Belarusian activists, NGOs and social scientists, which is constantly updated.

To point out further funding opportunities, please feel free to send them to

The next ConnectBY project activities will take place in November 2022 in the form of two workshops.

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About the ConnectBY – Belarusian civil society in diaspora project: After mass demonstrations in Belarus in 2020, numerous civil society actors had to leave the country. Many of them have settled in Germany and Ukraine. ConnectBY supports their networking and their work for a democratic Belarus.

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