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Karsten Winegeart/Unsplash
Karsten Winegeart/Unsplash

Our daily field of action, European politics, is characterized by the exchange of different opinions and approaches. The IEP believes that communication is based on mutual respect.

Generally, we welcome comments and constructive feedback on our content on social media. However, some binding discussion rules are indispensable in this regard. We reserve the right to irrevocably delete comments in the event of a violation.

Comments with the following content will be deleted:

  • Insults, threats and disparagement in any form
  • Incitements to violence
  • Racism and hate propaganda
  • Pornography and obscenities
  • Violations of the rights of third parties
  • Calls to campaigns, demonstrations and rallies of any political direction
  • Misuse of the comment function for advertising purposes

We reserve the right of adding to this list and blocking users who repeatedly violate our netiquette. It should be noted that these are real people in social media. Therefore, we ask for a respectful exchange and communication.