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Integrated EU Knowledge Management and EU Reporting – Opening Workshop in Kiev

Anne Bercio, project leader of “Capacity Building for EU Association in Ukraine” at IEP implemented a successful workshop in Kiev with Ukrainian civil servants.

Anne Bercio, project leader of “Capacity Building for EU Association in Ukraine” at IEP implemented a successful workshop in Kiev with Ukrainian civil servants. The workshop was opened by a representative of the German Embassy in Ukraine and Nataliia Hnydyuk, Deputy of the Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine/Head of the Government Office of the European Integration in Ukraine who also participated in the training.

The workshop took place on 12-13 September, 2015 in Kiev and is the first of six this year as part of the EU Trainer Programme. The programme aims at strengthening the relevant horizontal management systems and functions within the government and supporting effective implementation of the initiated policy and institutional reforms related to steering and implementation process of the EU-Ukraine Association which are effectively contributing to EU-AA/DCFTA implementation.

The workshops are kindly supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). The next workshop will be on 26-27 September on EU Reporting and Writing.

Über das Capacity Building for EU Association in Ukraine with Government Office for European Integration Projekt: Die vorliegende GIZ Trainingsreihe ist Teil des „Reform Advisory Funds“, welcher die anstehenden Herausforderungen bei der Ratifizierung vom EU-Ukraine Assoziierungsabkommen z.B. durch Trainings, IT-Lösungen, personelle Kapazitäten u.a. nachhaltig unterstützt.

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