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Summer School 2010: A Sustainable Energy Policy for Europe - Political, Social and Economic Implications

The fight against global warming, the creation of an integrated energy market and the interest in securing energy supply have been the paradigms of European energy policy for some years. A sustainable energy policy should deliver answers on all of these aspects, while, at the same time, being sustainable with a view on future generations.

The fight against global warming, the creation of an integrated energy market and the interest in securing energy supply have been the paradigms of European energy policy for some years. A sustainable energy policy should deliver answers on all of these aspects, while, at the same time, being sustainable with a view on future generations. In recent years, some topics have turned out to be crucial for a sustainable energy concept: Energy efficiency, the deployment of renewable energies and the support of energy technology and research. Improving performance on all these aspects could finally lead to the decarbonisation of the power sector and a better use of finite resources. Nevertheless, the preconditions for such a energy revolution are enormous. It requires massive grid extensions, the use of information and communication technologies in energy supply and public incentives for research in new technologies, just to name a few.

The 3rd International Summer School on Sustainable Development will discuss these questions in detail. In a first step, the requirements for such a new energy policy will be analysed. Which reforms are needed, in order to reach a sustainable energy policy? In a second step, participants will go deeper into detail, look at the different aspects of a new energy concept and analyse the implications of such a policy reform on different levels. It will be supported by field trips in order to understand the local implications of major policy changes on the European level. During the whole Summer School, participants will be asked to contribute to the debate and invited to develop a common understanding of what measures are possible, required and promising, in order to make Europe ready for a new energy policy.

The Summer School comprises lectures given by well-known academics, politicians, representatives of industry and NGOs. The program leaves enough time to discuss each lecture in detail and also includes excursions throughout the region. Participants conducting research in this field are welcome to present their projects during the Summer School. The best project will receive the "European Sustainability Award" sponsored by the EUROPEAN ACADEMY OTZENHAUSEN.

The 3rd International Summer School on Sustainable Development is organized by the EUROPEAN ACADEMY OTZENHAUSEN gGmbH, the INSTITUT FUER EUROPAEISCHE POLITIK (IEP), Berlin, and the UNIVERSITY OF TRIER. After a successful start in 2008, this year´s International Summer School will be the third event in a 3-years-cycle covering different aspects of sustainable energy policy for Europe. It will take place at the renowned EUROPEAN ACADERMY OTZENHAUSEN (, a place known for its excellent working and housing conditions.

Participants should be graduate students, PhD students, young researchers in Political Science, European Studies and Economics as well as young professionals.

Über das International Summer School on Sustainable Development Projekt: Im Rahmen seiner Arbeit zum Themenbereich EU Energie- und Klimapolitik organisierte das Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP) in Zusammenarbeit mit der Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen (EAO) und der Universität Trier von 2008-2010 insgesamt dreimal eine International Summer School on Sustainable Development.

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