Am 30. und 31. Mai 2011 fand zum dritten Mal das Deutsch-Nordisch-Baltische Forum statt. Unter dem Titel "The EU's Foreign Policy – how to forward internal unity and external strength? Views from Germany, Poland, Nordic and Baltic countries" diskutierten circa 30 Experten aus dem Baltikum, den Nordischen Staaten, Polen und Deutschland.
Das Experten-Seminar wird in Kooperation zwischen dem Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP), dem Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) und dem Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI/SIIA) organisiert und wurde in diesem Jahr in den Räumlichkeiten des UI/SIIA in Stockholm abgehalten.
Weitere Hintergrundinformationen/Literaturverweise zum Thema der Veranstaltung:
- Andersson, Jan Joel et al: "The European security strategy: reinvigorate, revise or reinvent?", Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Occasional papers 7, 2011.
- Bendiek, Annegret: "Seeking a Strategy - Overcoming Europe’s political deficit toward North Africa and beyond", in: IP-G Online, 21 June 2011. Link zur Webseite.
- Bendiek, Annegret/Kramer, Heinz: "The EU as 'strategic' international actor - Substantial and analytical ambiguities", in: European Foreign Affairs Review, 15 (November 2010) 4, pp. 452-474.
- Böttger, Katrin/Falkenhain, Mariella: "The EU’s policy towards Azerbaijan: what role for civil society?", SPES Policy Paper, Berlin: Institut für Europäische Politik, June 2011.
- Jokela, Juha: "The G-20: a pathway to effective multilateralism?", Chaillot papers 125, European Union Institute for Security Studies, April 2011.
- Major, Claudia/Mölling, Christian: "EU Battlegroups: What Contribution to European Defence? Progress and Prospects of European Rapid Response Forces". SWP Research Paper 2011/RP 08, Juni 2011.
- Major, Claudia: "A Civil-Military Headquarters for the EU – The Weimar Triangle Initiative Fuels the Current Debate", SWP Comments 31, December 2010.
- Nickel, Dietmar: "Der Europäische auswärtige Dienst".
- Raik, Kristi: "Between conditionality and engagement: revisiting the EU's democracy promotion in the eastern neighbourhood", FIIA briefing paper 80, Finnish Institute of International Affairs, April 2011.
- Wojna, Beata: "EU and its southern neighbours: new challenges for the European Neighbourhood Policy", Polish Institute of International Affairs, May 2011.