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Grand finale or just another episode: Agreeing on the EU’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum

Markus Spiske / Unsplash
Markus Spiske / Unsplash

A few months before the next European elections, the pressure on decision-makers to reach an agreement on the new migration and asylum package is high. The new Berlin Perspectives provides an assessment of how the new rules should be implemented.

In September 2020, the then new EU Commission presented the New Pact on Migration and Asylum, attempting to fundamentally reform the EU’s migration and asylum policy. So far, however, few elements of the pact have been agreed upon and implemented. With the end of its current term approaching, the co-legislators are pushing to make progress on the Pact’s many promises.

In this new issue of Berlin Perspectives, Karoline Popp assesses the reforms regarding the Common European Asylum Policy (CEAS) and the evolvement of Germany’s position. The debate on the Pact has been heated, with some member states receiving a rising number of asylum seekers and populist far-right discourse growing. In the process, Germany moved away from its more moderate approach of protection and control and has accepted more restrictive compromises. In this stage of negotiations, substantive changes to the legislation will likely be limited. Nevertheless, Popp offers recommendations for the final stage of the negotiations and the implementation of the new rules, if agreed upon. Ensuring the respect for refugee law and human rights and the workability of the system as well as monitoring mechanisms and sanctions for non-compliance should be prioritized.

Team & authors

About the Berlin Perspectives project: The IEP Policy Brief series Berlin Perspectives presents precise analyses on Germany’s European policy to an English-speaking audience. The authors analyse German European policy positions on current topics and debates to provide policy recommendations based on their findings.

Image copyright: Markus Spiske / Unsplash