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RESILIO in Brussels - Rule of law in EU27: turning crisis into opportunity

denhans / Photocase
denhans / Photocase

What is a resilient rule of law and how can it be improved in the EU? The RESILIO team provided answers to these questions with its research findings.

After two years of intensive work, the results of the RESILIO project were presented on 07 March 2024 in Brussels in collaboration with the European Policy Centre.

The findings highlighted how fundamental geographical differences regarding the resilience of the rule of law exist within the EU. Across EU member states, individual rule of law factors are developed to varying degrees: While the independence of the media, public discourse, and the design of the constitution still show clear weaknesses in some member states, elections, party systems, state institutions, and social cohesion were already of high quality.

The experts emphasised how the project can help to identify potential risks to the rule of law and thus prevent them in advance. Moreover, they highlighted the increasingly close links between the economy and the rule of law, particularly at the EU level.

RESILIO analyses the ability of the rule of law to resist threats and dangerous events without losing its core functions. In doing so, RESILIO goes beyond the legal framework and institutional design by including factors such as the civic space, the media landscape, the political culture, or the general socio-economic circumstances. On this basis, RESILIO uses a toolbox to present ideas on how the rule of law can be strengthened both within the Member States and at the EU level.

The project is funded by the Mercator Foundation and the CERV programme.


Team & authors

About the RESILIO – Resilience observatory on the rule of law in Europe project: Why are some democracies in the EU more resilient to the regressing rule of law than others? IEP will assess the resilience of all 27 member states using a systematic analytical framework in order to deliver counterstrategies to the regression of the rule of law.

Image copyright: denhans / Photocase