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integration 04/23


European narratives of cohesion, climate and energy policy and the Euro in the international financial market. Read analyses and discussions about these topics in the new „integration“.

Are traditional narratives of cohesion about peace and welfare in the European Union in times of „polycrisis“ still vivid? Or are there other narratives working nowadays? The free content article analyses European narratives of cohesion based on plenary debates in the European Parliament since 1990. Other articles examine the role and significance of the Euro in the international financial market and – using the example of the implementation of the European Green Deal in Hungary – the challenges that arise from the EU multi-level system for a coherent climate and energy policy. The forum article looks at the chance for rapprochement between Turkey and the EU, that could be possible due to energy and climate policy. The collective review is discussing continuities and fractures in the centenary history of the Republic of Turkey based on four publications since 2020. The discussion from the annual IEP Conference on the EU in times of geopolitical rivalries held in September 2023 is retraced by the conference report.

Between fear and ontological (in-)security: an analysis of discourses of European solidarity in times of the polycrisis

Franziskus von Lucke/Thomas Diez

As part of a “polycrisis”, the threats posed by COVID-19 and Russia's attack on Ukraine have brought questions of “security” and solidarity back into the spotlight of European debates. In the history of the European Union, however, direct external threats have been the exception. Instead, debates have mostly revolved around diffuse, inward-looking anxieties about the nature of the EU, its internal functioning, and its international role. In this context, the literature has called the EU an “anxious community”. Based on an ontological (in)security approach, this article analyses how Members of the European Parliament (MEP) construct different forms of European identity, the EU’s capacity to act and solidarity in the face of multiple crises. In contrast to the literature, we show that fear and insecurity do not prevail, but that MEPs remain surprisingly confident about the EU’s nature and the integration process, and are convinced that the EU can master any crisis and grow as a result.

This contribution is available for download below.

The European Green Deal in the context of war and energy crisis: incoherence in the EU multi-level governance system illustrated by the case of Hungary

Kristina Kurze

The energy crisis in the European Union escalated with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022. In addition to rising energy prices, the almost forgotten concern about energy security came into focus, potentially displacing other challenges such as the climate crisis. Against this background, the article asks to what extent the EU continues with the implementation of the European Green Deal (EGD) and associated climate targets in this changing geopolitical context. The article provides a differentiated answer by analysing reactions to the energy crisis across the EU’s multi-level governance system. It is shown that the energy crisis led to more ambitious climate policies and targets at the EU level, but not necessarily at the national level. The latter is illustrated by a case study of Hungarian energy and climate policies. Overall, this article shows that the implementation of the EGD under new geopolitical context conditions is strained by vertical incoherence.

The Euro in the international financial system: reality check in a dollar universe

Paweł Tokarski

The article analyses the role that the single currency currently plays in an international financial system dominated by the dollar and what measures can be taken to support the position of the euro in the international hierarchy of currencies. In the first part, the author analyses the drivers of currency internationalisation and looks at the current status of the euro in the international monetary system. The following sections examine the benefits and risks of internationalising the currency and how financial market integration, greening and digitalisation can strengthen the position of the euro in the international financial system. The final section assesses the future prospects of the single currency in an international financial system subject to trends of regionalisation and digitalisation.

Energy and climate policy in EU-Turkey relations: prospects for a new dialogue

Moritz Rau

EU-Turkey relations could benefit from closer cooperation on Energy and climate. More renewable energy and lower greenhouse gas emissions could be realised and would help both the European Union and Turkey to reduce their energy trade with Russia and wean themselves off political dependencies. But there is still a long way to go. In fact, Turkey has recently played a more prominent role in gas transit to the EU. But the question of how to decarbonise EU-Turkey energy relations remains uncertain. Analysts question the Turkish government’s commitment to its climate goals. The EU also faces challenges, with energy security concerns, inflation and electoral shifts threatening to undermine its “Green Deal” and “Fit for 55” policies. Against this backdrop, this article examines the state of EU-Turkey energy relations, discusses obstacles to cooperation and reflects on prospects for a common agenda.

Team & authors

About the integration project: The quarterly journal "integration" is a theory-driven and policy-related interdisciplinary forum for fundamental questions of European integration. Contemporary issues in European politics are discussed from a political and academic perspective.

ISSN/ISBN: 0720-5120, 2941-8895
Image copyright: iep