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Press release on the launch of InvigoratEU


How can the EU strengthen its enlargement and neighborhood policy? Can it ensure Europe's future resilience beyond its borders? The InvigoratEU project, aims to answer these questions bringing together more than 50 researchers from various EU and non-EU countries.

New Horizon Europe Project - InvigoratEU

Preparing Europe for its future

With Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, the number of official candidate countries for accession to the European Union has grown to ten. This means that EU enlargement is once again a key strategy for contributing to greater stability and prosperity throughout Europe in times of new geopolitical challenges. From January 1, 2024, InvigoratEU - a new Horizon Europe project coordinated by the EU-Chair at the University of Duisburg-Essen together with the Institut für Europäische Politik in Berlin - will examine how the EU can structure its future relations with its Eastern neighbors and the countries of the Western Balkans. The consortium receives around three million euros in funding from the EU over the next three years. Its kickoff conference takes place in Tbilisi from 20-21 February 2024 – two years after the start of Russia´s war in Ukraine.

Read the fill press release here:

Team & authors

About the InvigoratEU: New impulses for an enlarged and resilient Europe project: How can the EU, the Eastern Partnership countries and the Western Balkans become more resilient in the context of global and local challenges? The project makes reform proposals for the European Neighbourhood and Enlargement Policy.

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