Tuesday, 05 December 2023 09:30 am – Tuesday, 05 December 2023 11:00 am
This event is in the past.
Why are some democracies in the EU more resilient to rule of law regression than others? What institutional and structural factors are rudimentary to the resilience of rule of law states? How could the EU make its monitoring of the rule of law more sensitive to early warning signs?
We will discuss these questions with a group of experts from academia, think tanks, and EU institutions based on the interactive visualisation tool developed in the RESILIO project. A multi-layered model of resilience conceptualized by Institut für Europäische Politik will serve as the analytical framework for our conversation.
Our model incorporates diverse resilience factors that not only include the constitutional framework of the 27 member states but also political system, media landscape, social cohesion, or national economies. It relates both to the institutional architecture of the rule of law and to the environment in which it functions. During the event we will not only see into the key findings of our study, but also reflect on the practice of defending rule of law at the EU level.
Guest speaker
Florian Geyer, Head of Unit, Rule of Law (JUST.C.1), European Commission
Prof. Dr Funda Tekin, Director, Institut für Europäische Politik
Dr Maria Skóra, Research Associate, Institut für Europäische Politik
York Albrecht, Research Associate, Institut für Europäische Politik
David Nonhoff, Research Associate, Institut für Europäische Politik
The event will take place in English on Zoom.
Registration via E-Mail to Maria.Skora@iep-berlin.de.