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Policy Paper – YCA

David Mark / Pixabay
David Mark / Pixabay

Central Asia is gaining increasing global importance. However, power is in the hands of a few in the countries of the region. A key factor for social change is strengthening youth policy.

The 2019 EU Central Asia Strategy provides a broad strategic framework for cooperation with the five countries in the region. With the young Central Asian population in mind, the IEP has analysed the feasibility of a youth dimension as a new priority in the EU's relations with Central Asia. The analysis focuses on how the EU can contribute to providing good life prospects for the youth population of Central Asia.

On behalf of the Federal Foreign Office, the IEP has examined the challenges and potentials of a youth policy dimension in relations with Central Asia. Intensifying relations in youth policy is beneficial for both sides and does not directly compete with China's or Russia's activities in the region. A youth policy dimension of European Central Asia policy also offers the opportunity to improve the EU's visibility in the region. To seize this opportunity, the IEP provides specific policy recommendations and proposes an intra-European division of labour to create the youth policy dimension.

A first package of measures to create the youth policy dimension in EU-Central Asia relations is proposed in the IEP Policy Paper on Eastern Europe and Central Asia 1/2021 "A Youth Policy Dimension of EU-Central Asia Relations. Priorities for the Implementation of the EU-Central Asia Strategy in the Area of Youth Policy". The findings and recommendations were discussed in four online workshops with academics, government and civil society representatives from Europe and Central Asia.

Team & authors

About the YCA – Young Central Asia project: Central Asia is gaining increasing global importance. However, power is in the hands of a few in the countries of the region. A key factor for social change is strengthening youth policy.

ISSN/ISBN: 2625-459X
Image copyright: David Mark / Pixabay