As part of the Horizon Europe project InvigoratEU, funded by the European Commission, on the EU's relations with the Eastern Neighbourhood and the Western Balkans, we are looking for a research associate with an average weekly working time of 29.25 hours as of 15 June 2024. Remuneration will be based on the federal TVöD 13 collective agreement. The position is limited to the three-year project duration until 31 December 2026.
Your tasks:
- You will research, work and publish on the topic of EU enlargement and neighbourhood policy and in particular on questions of European resilience, the influence of geopolitical rivals as well as the potential of connectivity and the protection of critical infrastructure with a view to the states of the Western Balkans and the so-called association trio of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia.
- You will support the director in her role as scientific lead of the overall project in dialogue with the members of the InvigoratEU consortium.
- You will implement planned project activities such as a scenario development processes, workshops and conferences as well as communication activities.
- You will be jointly responsible for reporting within the project.
- You will expand the activities and network of the IEP in the research area "EU Enlargement".
Your profile:
- Excellent master’s degree in political science or a related discipline on topic relevant to EU-studies.
- Excellent knowledge of the EU, its institutions and policies with a particular focus on EU enlargement, neighbourhood policy and geopolitical aspects of "Wider Europe". Own publications in these areas are desirable.
- 2-3 years of professional experience.
- Knowledge of data and text analysis and the relevant software programmes are an advantage.
- Knowledge of various foresight methods is an advantage.
- Initial experience in the realisation of research projects (basic knowledge of project and financial management of (EU) projects is an advantage).
- Experience in planning, organising and conducting conferences and workshops.
- Good teamwork and excellent communication skills.
- High willingness to learn and perform, ability to work under pressure and flexibility.
- Excellent English language skills in both written and spoken form.
- Comprehensive knowledge of common Microsoft programmes.
We offer:
- An exciting, dynamic and opportunity-orientated working environment in a young and motivated team at a research institute with a Europe-wide network.
- A varied and challenging job. Due to the diversity of responsibilities, this position offers a lot of room for manoeuvre and development potential.
- Meaningful work.
- Flexible working hours and at our Berlin office and from home.
Please send your informative application with a letter of motivation, CV in tabular form, proof of studies, a conclusive list of publications and a selection of presentations and work references summarised in one single PDF file by email to, quoting the reference: WM_06/2024. Closing date for applications is 19 May 2024, midnight. Interviews are scheduled for calendar week 22/2024. We look forward to receiving your application!
You can also download the entire job advertisement here: