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Kroatien Mazedonien Republik Moldau Rumänien Serbien ...



„The Accession Negotiation between Croatia and the EU: Financial Perspective“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
Zagreb, 14 – 15 December 2006

„The Accession Negotiation between Croatia and the EU: Financial Services“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
Zagreb, 12 – 13 December 2006

„The Accession Negotiation between Croatia and the EU – Taxation“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
Zagreb, 7 – 8 December 2006

„The Accession Negotiation between Croatia and the EU: Reform of Cohesion Funds“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
Zagreb, 23 “ 24 November 2006

„The Accession Negotiation between Croatia and the EU: Industrial Policy“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
Zagreb, 6-7 July 2006

„The Accession Negotiation between Croatia and the EU: Regional Policy“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
Zagreb, 30-31 May 2006



„Adjusting to EU Structures and Support for Administrative Reforms in Turkey – Challenges for Developing Strategies and Operational Programmes“
Workshop in co-operation with the State Planning Organization (SPO)
Ankara, 12 – 15 December 2006



„EU Regional Trainer Conference“
Workshop in co-operation with the Macedonian Centre for European Training
Bitola, 6 – 10 December 2006


Republik Moldau

„Training Needs Assessment“
Workshop in cooperation with InWent “ Capacity Building International,
Chisinau (Moldova), 4-7 December 2006

„Consumer Protection“
Workshop in cooperation with InWent “ Capacity Building International,
Chisinau (Moldova), 13-16 November 2006

„Agricultural aspects in the EU Moldova relations“
Workshop in cooperation with InWent “ Capacity Building International,
Chisinau (Moldova), 1-4 November 2006

„European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument and Project Writing Skills (II)“
Workshop in cooperation with InWent “ Capacity Building International,
Chisinau (Moldova), 3-6 October 2006

„European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument and Project Writing Skills (I)“
Workshop in cooperation with InWent “ Capacity Building International,
Chisinau (Moldova) , 25-28 July 2006



„Serbia and the Negotiations on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement: Social Dialogue“
Workshop in co-operation with the EU Integration Office of the Serbian Government, Belgrade, 30 November “ 1 December 2006

„Serbia and the Negotiations on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement: Environmental Policy“
Workshop in co-operation with the EU Integration Office of the Serbian Government, Belgrade, 28 “ 29 November 2006

„Serbia and the Negotiations on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement: Justice and Home Affairs“
Workshop in co-operation with the EU Integration Office of the Serbian Government, Belgrade, 17 “ 18 October 2006

„Serbia and the Negotiations on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement: Public Procurement“
Workshop in co-operation with the EU Integration Office of the Serbian Government, Belgrade, 28- 29 June 2006

„Serbia and the Negotiations on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement: Regional Self Governance“
Workshop in co-operation with the EU Integration Office of the Serbian Government, Belgrade, 26-27 June 2006

„Serbia and the Negotiations on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement: Consumer Protection“
Workshop in co-operation with the EU Integration Office of the Serbian Government, Belgrade, 27-28 March 2006



„Adjusting Romania’s Central Public Administration to EU Structures: Romania“s EU-Membership: Challenges for  Administrative Reform and Human Resources Development“
Conference in co-operation with the National Institute of Administration (INA)
Bucharest, 14 November 2006

„Adjusting Romania’s Central Public Administration to EU Structures: Facing coming challenging in the area of Structural Funds“
Workshop in co-operation with the National Institute of Administration (INA), Bucharest, 9 “ 10 November 2006

„Adjusting Romania’s Central Public Administration to EU Structures: The System of Comitology“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of European Integration
Bucharest, 8 November 2006

„Adjusting Romania’s Central Public Administration to EU Structures: The System of Comitology“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of European Integration
Bucharest, 30 October 2006

„Enhancing the Absorption Capacity Regarding EU-Funds in Romania: Recapitulation and Examination“
Workshop in co-operation with the National Institute of Administration (INA)
Bucharest, 11-15 September 2006

„Enhancing the Absorption Capacity Regarding EU-Funds in Romania: The Implementation of Structural Funds in Romania“
Workshop in co-operation with the National Institute of Administration (INA), Costinesti (Romania), 26-30 June 2006

„Adjusting Romania’s Central Public Administration to EU Structures: The European Social Fund and Current Challenges in the Programming Phase“
Workshop in co-operation with the National Institute of Administration (INA), Bucharest, 22-23 June 2006

„Enhancing the Absorption Capacity Regarding EU-Funds in Romania: EU Structural Policy and the Coordination of Structural Funds on the National Level“
Study Trip in co-operation with the National Institute of Administration (INA)
Berlin (Germany) und Brussels (Belgium) , 1-12 May 2006

„Enhancing the Absorption Capacity Regarding EU-Funds in Romania: Developing Methodological Skills and Techniques“
Workshop in co-operation with the National Institute of Administration (INA)
Bucharest, 6-10 March 2006

„Enhancing the Absorption Capacity Regarding EU-Funds in Romania – Introduction to the EU Integration Process and the basics of EU Structural Policy“
Workshop in co-operation with the National Institute of Administration (INA)
Sibiu, 23-27 January 2006

Über das Archiv Projekt: Hier finden Sie eine Zusammenstellung aller bisherigen Veranstaltungen und Seminare der Abteilung Capacity Developement des Instituts für Europäische Politik.

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